Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everybody Counts!

 The students learned our IB attitudes of empathy, respect and appreciation when we had the Everybody Counts presentations in our classroom.  The 4th grade discussed motor disabilities and had the opportunity to participate in activities as if they actually had these specific types of disabilites.

We reflected on our experiences throughout the day.  I enjoyed hearing them refer to our learner profile words (caring, balanced, open-minded and risk takers).

Chinese New Year Celebration

 The students throughout our Allisonville community are learning Chinese.  We have an amazing instructor that teaches all grades once a week during our special area times.  The school had an amazing celebration for Chinese New Year, Friday, January 27.  We had a parade and a festival later that night.

Our celebration connected with the IB themes we are studying  in our school. We are studying different cultures, why we migrate and how there are similarities and differences in all cultures.

 Our principal, Mr. Pomerenke was the Grand Marshall of our parade!

The students enjoyed learning about other cultures and respecting and appreciating the diversity of our world!

Pretzel Geometry

 The students enjoyed reviewing lines and angles.  After we checked our masterpieces, they were a wonderful afternoon snack!

Heredity and Traits! (Where We Are in Place and Time)

Here are two of the re bops created.
The students enjoyed learning about heredity and traits.

We learned about animal adaptations and how a penguin and other animals adapt to an environment!!

BLUBBER!!!One of our students was surprised that her hand was so warm after being placed in ice, then in shortening.! Penguins have blubber to keep them warm.

What a Busy January!

We have enjoyed our January units!  We have been very busy studying Indiana's journey to STATEHOOD!  We had two wonderful field trips to the State House and to the Harrison Home which was one of our presidents!

Our IB units have focused on Sharing the Planet and Who We Are!!  During the Sharing the Planet theme, we had the opportunity to make our own Re-bops when studying heredity and traits.  See the pictures below!

In February we will be studying geography, Earth surfaces and landforms.  The students are already bringing in pictures from vacations or connections they are finding in magazines and pamphlets. It will be an incredible experience observing landforms and changes all over the world as well as in our own front yard!  Please check out our pictures of our journey through January!!