Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, December 7

Rats of NIMH: Read chapters 20-24 (no worksheet!) for Friday. Also, don't forget about your maze! These can be turned in anytime from tomorrow to Monday :) Please work hard and put some thought into this!

Writer's Workshop: Please continue working on your persuasive essays! You may turn these in any time between now and Monday! If you want a little help, I would love to look over your rough-drafts and rewrites to give you some advice! Please just make sure you are filling our your planning packets before you get too into your writing (if you do not fill out your planning packets, you may not realize that you don't have enough to say about your main idea or one of your details). Don't forget about the rubric, either! This will help guide you while you write :)

Math: Dyna-Math Pages 2-5

Science: We would LOVE it if some of you would bring just a few sheets of paper towels from home for our hydro-ponics! No homework for Science, otherwise :)

Hoosier Hike: #7 part 1 due Friday

Have a wonderful day!!